
Useful tools


Here are some sites you can use to create your own avatar.
  • In Bitstrips you can also create greeting cards and comic strips.
  • If you are a South Park fan, this is your chance to become one of the characters using the South Park Avatar Creator!

Social bookmarking: 

The idea of social bookmarking is of course to share all your favorite sites with other people. There are different ways to do this and different social bookmarking sites offer different tools. 

  • With, you can tag your bookmarks, share some while keeping other public, share other people's libraries, highlight the sections of a page you find really interesting and add post-it notes.
  • Until now,is what I have always used. With it you can highlight some sections, you can save the whole site or only a section, and also tag your bookmarks. But in addition to this, with its Android app, you can upload and save pictures and scribble on them, you can keep a to-do list, record speech and share it... it's a sort of Diigo combined with Dropbox, in the sense that you don't only bookmark, but you can also save files. Plus, you can set reminders to your notes so that you don't forget to make that doctor's appointment you have been postponing. 


According to Stanley (2013), there are many advantages to recording learners speaking. Among these we can find the development of fluency, accuracy, pronunciation and learner autonomy. 
Here's a list of different tools that can be used for speaking tasks with a brief description of each. 
  • can be accessed through the site or through the app for smartphones. You can use it to have your students record themselves while reading, thinking aloud, discussing different topics, recording an audio-journal, and even as a listening source to trigger discussion. It even has an Edomodo App that allows you to retrieve contento from Audioboo and add it to the Edmodo Library, and set Assignments that students can answer with secure and private recordings. 
  •  is a tool that allows you to animate a photo or drawing and add audio to it. It animates the mouth of a character to the recorded audio. It's quite fun and useful if you are looking for a tool that allows your students to have fun recoding themselves while not showing their faces, because they will be able to select any image, be it an animal, an avatar or an object.  

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